Kvernfossen in Leirvik
The Kvernfossen power plant is located in Hyllestad municipality in Vestland. The power plant will produce 9.1 GWh per year, which will provide 450 households with electricity. Construction started in 2019 and the power plant had its first producing hour on line in June 2021.
income 0 NOK
volume 0 MWH
*Total production for plant
**Real time indicatiors might be delayed in some circumstances
The authorities (NVE) emphasize that the development of the Kvernfossen power plant will be a contribution to increased production of renewable energy with limited environmental effects. The Kvernfossen power plant will use a drop of 26 metres in the Lølandselva river between the intake at elevation 119 and the power station at elevation 93. The waterway of about 600 meters is planned underground between the north side of Lølandselva and the county road.

Gross head (m) 26.5
Length of pipeline (m) 600
Power (MW) 1.9
Production (GWh/year) 9.14
Minimum water flow summer (l/s) 600
Minimum water flow winter (l/s) 600
907 09 365
Mads Evensen
921 10 838