Kupe in Sunnfjord
Kupe Kraftverk is located in Sunnfjord in Vestland. With an annual production of 25.2 GWh, the power plant will supply around 1250 households with electricity. The plant started production in 2022.
income 0 NOK
volume 0 MWH
*Total production for plant
**Real time indicatiors might be delayed in some circumstances
Kupekraft is located in Årdal in Jølster, Sunnfjord municipality. The powerplant utilizes a drop of 435 meters over a stretch of 1,4 kilometers from Stegsvatnet to Legestøylen. The water intake is at border of Naustdal and Gjengedal landscape protection area. The water is carried in subsurface pipes and bored tunell from the water intake to the power plant, and is located on the eastside, in an appropriate distance to the river.

907 09 365
Mads Evensen
921 10 838